🤑 Simple Facebook Strategy You Need to Try...

Get the inside scoop on my cost-effective Facebook growth method.

I am back with my simple motive “Build Online Passive Income Streams”

Last time, we explored how Pinterest can be a powerful tool to generate massive traffic.

Now it’s time for Facebook……….

I delayed getting serious about Facebook, and that was my MISTAKE. Don't make the same one, act now, and you'll thank me later!

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Spoiler alert: It worked like a charm!

With just $310, I’ve got 10,000 highly engaged followers on my Facebook page.

Curious how I did it?

Let’s Start,

Quick Stats:

  • Total Followers: 10,600 (10k from Ad campaign and 600 organically from content)

  • Total Cost: $310

  • Cost Per Like: $0.03

  • Total Traffic Driven to site: 3k

  • Revenue made from ads till now: $70

  • Niche: Pets

There are 3 things I posted on Facebook:

  • Links Post (to send traffic that I monetize with display ads)

  • Images (to get engagement and page likes)

  • Reels (to get engagement and page likes)

What Is FACEBOOK Viral Post?

So, what makes a Facebook post go viral? It’s all about generating buzz—think lots of likes, shares, and comments!

Viral posts connect with people, often spreading quickly and even catching the attention of mainstream media.

One big factor is engaging content. Posts with funny memes, emotional stories, or relatable anecdotes tend to spark strong reactions, whether it’s laughter or inspiration.

The more people feel something, the more likely they are to interact with it. Plus, eye-catching visuals are a game-changer….

Posts with vibrant images or cool videos usually get more attention than plain text.

Another key element is personal connection. Sharing your own stories can resonate with your audience, encouraging them to like and share.

Being timely also helps—if you tap into current trends or events, you’re more likely to catch people’s interest.

And don’t forget about the timing! Posting when your audience is most active can boost visibility.

A good call to action can make a difference. Asking people to share their thoughts or experiences can encourage more interaction and help your post reach even more people.

Our Campaign:

So, here's where the magic happened. I decided to run a Facebook Likes campaign, but not just any run-of-the-mill campaign—this one had a twist, and it's all about targeting those truly devoted to their four-legged friends.

I knew my audience was in the U.S., and I also knew that when it comes to pets, certain states are just more… well, obsessed.

So, I got a little strategic. Instead of just throwing a wide net, I honed in on the states where pet ownership is practically a badge of honor.

Ever heard that the Chihuahua is the most popular breed in 21 states? Or that the Golden Retriever reigns supreme in 14 others, including Colorado? Yep, those were my goldmines.

I crafted my campaign creatives to speak directly to these pet-loving pockets.

By tapping into this breed-specific, state-centric approach, my ads resonated on a personal level.

This wasn’t just about getting likes—it was about connecting and making people feel seen and understood.

And, as it turns out, that’s exactly what they were looking for.


Our images were HIGHLY appealing, attractive, and focused on what matters. For instance, we concentrated on regions with a deep love for pets and identified the most popular breeds in each area.

Then, we crafted eye-catching images featuring those beloved pets, ensuring the content resonated with the audience on a personal level.

Highly Engaged Audience…….

Here are some stats:

Stats of of Link Post:

This link post brought in 900 page views! So far, we’ve only posted 25 link posts, as the page is still in the growing phase.

We’ve also been sharing images and reels. Now that we’ve reached 10k page likes, we plan to start posting 10 link posts daily.

Stats of 1 Image Post:

Stats of 1 Reel:

Monetization Plan…..

So far, I've earned $70 from display ads. I've also applied for the Facebook “Performance Program” and the “Ads on Reels” Program to explore more revenue streams.

It's still early days, but I'm excited to see how things unfold. Building a highly engaged page with 10,000 followers for just $310 feels like a solid start, AND I believe this page has great potential for growth and monetization.

Note: I’ve achieved these results, and it might seem like it's easy to replicate. To note that we’ve been in digital marketing for over 7 years.

We know what we're doing, and we've tested similar strategies in the past, running multiple ad campaigns for our clients as well. Before you start, ensure you have at least a basic understanding of Facebook ADS, etc.

What To Post…

One of the simplest ways to go viral on Facebook is to find an image that's already trending and remake it.

Start by ensuring your Facebook page likes and follows other pages within your niche. This helps you stay in the loop with the latest viral content.

You can also leverage other social media platforms to discover high-quality content for your niche.

For example, in my case, I found some great images and reels on Twitter that were perfect for my audience (just remember to give credit).

I even used a few of these images in my ad creatives. If you want to take it a step further, consider using AI tools to recreate or enhance these images, giving them your unique touch.

WANT to grow your Facebook presence? We can help you achieve real results. Click the link here to explore our services, we specialize in growing your page and running effective ad campaigns tailored to your needs.


Before you go: Here’s How I Can Help You!

Pinterest SEO Services Management: Crush Pinterest with Our 100% Managed Account Services - Content, Pins, Publishing and More!

Content Creation: We create stellar content writing that drives results and engages your target audience.

See you again next Thursday with more helpful and exclusive content! Bilal and Kashif Out! 👦