November Income Report: $32,064

And here is GIFT for you!


You won't believe the text I just got from my team: "YES, we've done it again!"

$32,064 done it again, to be exact.

While everyone's been caught up in the Black Friday frenzy, we've been quietly crushing it behind the scenes. But before I spill all the juicy details, I've got something special for you...

πŸŽ‰ BREAKING NEWS: For the first time ever, #PinPower is 30% OFF! πŸŽ‰ But fair warning - this discount vanishes faster than leftover turkey. More on this in a bit...

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Fast forward to today: I've helped my students' accounts generate thousands of monthly outbound clicks.

First, let me share something personal...

Last Saturday, during our weekly badminton session (yes, we're still smashing those shuttlecocks!), I had an "aha" moment.

As I watched my team strategically positioning themselves on the court, it hit me - this is exactly what we've been doing with our Pinterest strategy all year.

Positioning. Timing. Execution.

And November's numbers? They prove this approach works.

Let's dive into the goldmine of data...

November by the Numbers:

Our collective pageviews hit 385,472 across all 6 niche sites (up 6.4% from October)!

Here's the revenue breakdown for our niche sites:

  • Display Ads (Raptive + Journey By Mediavine): $14,682

  • Own Digital Products: $3,516

  • Affiliates: $1,865

  • Others: $472

Total Niche Sites Revenue: $20,535

But wait, there's more...

The FULL November Revenue Picture:

  • Pinterest Services: $4,350 (5 clients now!)

  • #PinPower Course: $2,860 (We welcomed 13 new students!)

  • Content Services: $2,100

  • Newsletter Sponsorships: $500 (Sponsor wants 10 more next issues!)

  • Others: $1719

Total Business Revenue: $32,064

🎯 Traffic Sources Breakdown:

  • Pinterest: 68% (We're growing!)

  • Google: 15%

  • Email: 8%

  • Others: 9%

Now, about that special announcement...

 πŸ”₯ #PinPower Course Special Offer πŸ”₯

For the first time since launching, I'm offering a 30% discount on #PinPower. Why? Because I want to help more people crush it on Pinterest before 2024 ends.

YES! This could be your site in the end of next year!

Here's what Rowan said : "I implemented 4 strategies from Modules 3, 9,10 and my monthly Pinterest impressions jumped from 50k to 200k in 4 WEEKS!"

The discount? It's only available for the next 24 hours. No exceptions, no extensions.

πŸ’Έ Monthly Expenses: Real Talk Time November's expenses: $11,356

Yes, it's slightly up from October, but here's why: I invested in advanced AI tools for my team. Because sometimes, you need to spend money to make money, right?

🎯 What's Working Right Now:

  1. Holiday-themed pins are EXPLODING (i-e: Thanksgiving and Christmas content)

  2. Gift guides are getting massive traction (perfect timing for Q4)

Looking ahead to December... We're already positioning our content for the Christmas rush. If you think November was good, just wait until you see what we have planned for December!

Remember when I lost 70% of my traffic back in 2022? That feels like ancient history now. Why? Because instead of letting it break me, I used it to build something bigger, better, and more resilient.

And now? I want to help you do the same.

  • Master Pinterest strategy that actually works in 2024

  • Join our private FACEBOOK community

  • Get access to my personal templates and workflows

  • Transform your "maybe someday" into "starting today"

Don't wait until January to start your Pinterest journey. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time? Right now.

Hit reply if you have questions about the course or want to share your own Pinterest wins! I read and respond to every email personally.

Keep pinning, keep growing, and never settle for average.

P.S. Don't forget - 30% off #PinPower ends in 24 hours. This is your moment! πŸš€

P.P.S. SURPRISE GIFT! 🎁 I just launched a FREE Private Facebook Community last week! Inside, you'll get:

  • Direct access to me (yes, I personally answer ALL questions!)

  • Exclusive actionable tips to boost your income and traffic

  • A supportive community of Pinterest bloggers

This community will become paid access soon, but if you join now, you're grandfathered in for FREE forever!

The future members will pay, but you? You get lifetime access just for being part of our amazing community today. See you inside!


Before you go: Here’s How We Can Help You!

Pin Power: Pin Power teaches you Pinterest marketing for FREE Organic Traffic with actionable strategies, real-world examples, and proven techniques. (no prior experience needed!).

Pinterest SEO Services Management: Crush Pinterest with Our 100% Managed Account Services - Content, Pins, Publishing and More!

See you again next Thursday with more helpful and exclusive content! Bilal and Kashif Out! πŸ‘¦